This repository contains the source code for the The Multilingual Quantitative Biologist online book.
All code in this project was written in and tested with R 3.xx and Python 3.xx, though older language versions (including R 2.xx and Python 2.7) should work in most cases.
in your home directory on your ScienceData home server, via http. The endpoint for this is simply https://sciencedata/files/tmp
. See "Utilities/python_file_management.ipynb" and "Utilities/sddk.ipynb" for details.
If you'd like to develop and and build the Multilingual Quantitative Biologist book, you should:
to it and run pip install -r requirements.txt
(it is recommended you do this within a virtual environment)The Multilingual Quantitative Biologist/_build/
directoryjupyter-book build ...
(more on this below)A fully-rendered HTML version of the book will be built in _build/html/
The html version of the book is hosted on the gh-pages
branch of this repo, which is then rendered on
To deal with non-standard kernel dependencies (bash, R) we will not use an GitHub actions workflow to automatically build and push the book to this branch on a push or pull request to master (something to look into in the future).
However, the workflow for building the book manually is not too onerous:
jupyter-book build content
(assumes you are running the command from root directory of the repository)content/_build/html
folder. Also load _build/html/notebooks/index.html
and check that the book has been built (with navigation etc.) as expected. ghp-import -n -p -f content/_build/html
to deploy the book.The last command will automatically push the latest build to the gh-pages
branch. More information on this hosting process can be found here.
Typically after a few minutes the site should be viewable online at If not, check repository settings under Options -> GitHub Pages to ensure that the gh-pages branch is configured as the build source for GitHub Pages.
An example command to push all new changes to the git repository and is:
git add -A && git commit -m "Commit message" && git push -u origin master
Please do not push changes for every little edit you make to the book (e.g., after fixing some typos). Push only significant changes. Remember, you can deploy the book (by pushing to the gh-pages
branch using ghp-import
as explained above) without pushing changes to the master
Read the jupyter book; it is short and to the point and addresses all of the key tools and guidelines succinctly
In particular, if you want to remove a particular cell from the rendered book see this
If you want to remove a cell when exporting a jupter notebook (outside of jupter book), say as html, add
"tags": [
to the metadata of the cells that you want to remove from the output, and then run:
jupyter nbconvert younotebookname.ipynb --TagRemovePreprocessor.enabled=True --TagRemovePreprocessor.remove_cell_tags="['remove_cell']" --to html
can be replaced with another export format, such as pdf
). Read the nbconvert
documentation for more info on exporting/converting.
## Contributors
We welcome and recognize all contributions. You can see a list of current contributors in the contributors tab.
Also, note that:
branch of this repository is protected, so even users with write (push) access need to push changes on a branch and make a pull request (also, see this). New commits to a non-master branch after a pull request has been made will result in any pull requests from that non-master branch to be discrded. Please read this for good practices for branching (and merging). results
directory in content
is populated when scripts are run, but these are not version controlled (all files in this directory under .gitignore
).This project is created using the excellent open source Jupyter Book project, initiated using executablebooks/cookiecutter-jupyter-book template.
Some chapter-specific credits: