Mathematica comes with an enormeous range of functionality. Below follow a few very simple examples.
See for exhaustive documentation.
Factor[x^2 + 1, GaussianIntegers -> True]
sol[x_]= Integrate[1/(1 + x^3), x]
wave3d[x_]= Sin[Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]]/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]
Plot3D[wave3d[x], {x, -5*Pi, 5*Pi}, {y, -5*Pi, 5*Pi},
PlotPoints -> 100, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 0.2},
PlotRange -> All]
Mathematica comes with built-in example data. Moreover, Wolfram runs a site with curated datasets,, from where data can be loaded directly into Mathematica.
This allows for some simple illustrations of using Mathematica. Much more can be found at the above site.
Another good resource is Wolfram U.
resourceData = ResourceObject["A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"]
ResourceData["A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"]]]
Entity["Species", "Species:AmanitaMuscaria"]["Image"]
TextSentences[WikipediaData["Moon"]][[;; 5]]
links = WikipediaData["Graph theory", "BacklinksRules",
"MaxLevelItems" -> 20, "MaxLevel" -> 2];
Graph[links, VertexLabels -> Placed["Name", Tooltip],
VertexStyle -> {"Graph theory" -> Red}]
data = ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "StanfordBunny"}, "VertexData"];
ListSurfacePlot3D[data, MaxPlotPoints -> 50]
data = Entity["Country", #] /. {"United States" -> "UnitedStates"} & /@
"nations with highest population", {{"OrdinalRankings", 1},
"ComputableData"}][[All, 2]];
GeoListPlot[data, GeoLabels -> True]
countries =
EntityValue[EntityClass["Country", "SouthAmerica"], "Entities"]
order = Last[FindShortestTour[GeoPosition[countries]]]
GeoListPlot[countries[[order]], Joined -> True]
ListPlot3D[Reverse[GeoElevationData[Entity["City", {"Pasadena", "California",
"UnitedStates"}]]], ColorFunction -> "Topographic",
PlotLabel -> "Pasadena topographic map", ImageSize -> Large, Ticks -> None]
Entity["Country", "UnitedStates"][Dated["AdultPopulation",All]]
GeoGraphics[{EdgeForm[{Thick, Black}], Entity["Country", "VaticanCity"][
"Polygon"]}, ImageSize -> Large,
GeoRange -> Entity["City", {"Rome", "Lazio", "Italy"}]]
GeoGraphics[{Blue, PointSize[.03],
Tooltip[Point[#1], #2] & @@@
Entity["City", {"Copenhagen", "Copenhagen", "Denmark"}], {All,
Quantity[5, "Kilometer"]}], {"Position", "Image"}]}]
Histogram[DeleteMissing@EntityValue["Dinosaur","Length"],AxesLabel->{"Length (ft)","Count"},PlotLabel->"Dinosaur heights",ImageSize->Large]
countries = {Entity["Country", "UnitedStates"], Entity["Country", "Japan"],
Entity["Country", "UnitedKingdom"], Entity["Country", "India"], Entity["Country", "Denmark"]};
TimelinePlot[Table[DayRange[{2020, 1, 1}, {2020, 12, 31}, "Holiday",
HolidayCalendar -> c], {c, countries}], PlotLegends -> countries,
PlotLabel -> "Holidays"]
usCPI = Entity["Country", "UnitedStates"][EntityProperty["Country",
{"Date" -> Interval[{DateObject[{1913}], DateObject[{2019}]}],
"Frequency" -> "Monthly", "SeasonalAdjustment" ->
DateListPlot[usCPI, PlotTheme -> "Business", AspectRatio -> 1/2,
ImageSize -> Large, FrameLabel -> {"Date", "CPI"},
PlotLabel -> "US CPI 1913-2019"]
DateListPlot[{inflationMonthly, TimeSeriesAggregate[inflationMonthly,
Quantity[1, "Years"]]}, PlotTheme -> "Business", AspectRatio -> 1/2,
ImageSize -> Large, PlotStyle -> {Opacity[0.3], Black}, PlotRange -> All,
FrameLabel -> {"Date", "Inflation"}, PlotLabel -> "US Inflation 1914-2019"]
WolframAlpha["US CPI inflation", IncludePods -> "History",
AppearanceElements -> {"Pods"}, TimeConstraint ->
{20, Automatic, Automatic, Automatic}]
Wolfram hosts an archive of scientific and educational notebooks: The Notebook Archive.
The code can in general simply be copied and pasted into a Jupyter notebook with a Wolfram Language kernel of your own. If you have Mathematica, you can download whole notebooks, export them as packages and paste them into Jupyter notebooks.
Hamsys = {Derivative[1][a][t] -> u3[t],
Derivative[1][u3][t] -> u4[t] Cos[a[t]],
Derivative[1][u4][t] -> -k[t] Cos[a[t]] (k[t] u3[t] + Cos[a[t]]),
Derivative[1][k][t] -> Sin[a[t]]}
sol[{a0_, u30_, u40_, k0_}] :=
With[{T = Abs[2*4 Pi/(2 u30)]},
Map[#[[1]] == #[[2]] &, Hamsys] /. {t -> tt}, {a[0] == a0,
u3[0] == u30, u4[0] == u40, k[0] == k0}], {a, u3, u4, k}, {tt,
0, T}]][[1]]
solau3u4[{a_, u3_, u4_}] := sol[{a, u3, u4, 0}]
Clear[a0, u30, u40, k0, \[Epsilon]a, \[Epsilon]u3, \[Epsilon]u4, aa,
uu3, uu4, TT, curpoints1, curpoints2, curpoints3, solcur, NPt];
(* Equilibrium point *)
a0 = N@Pi/2; u30 = 1.; u40 = 0.; k0 = 0.;
(* Varying in a, u3 and u4 directions *)
\[Epsilon]a = 0.01; \[Epsilon]u3 = 0.02; \[Epsilon]u4 = 0.01;
(* Number of points (loops of Poincare map *)
NPt = 200;
(*----------Compute points \
(* 0) Periodic \
trajectory *)
Clear[aa, uu3, uu4, curpoints2];
aa = a0; uu3 = u30; uu4 = u40;
curpoints0 = {N@{aa, uu3, uu4}};
NPt0 = 200;
For[i = 0, i < NPt0, i++,
solcur = solau3u4[{aa, uu3, uu4}];
TT = (*t/.FindRoot[(u4/.solcur)[t]\[Equal]0, {t,N@Abs[4 Pi/(2uu)]}]*)
2. Pi*i/(1. NPt0);
{aa, uu3, uu4} = {Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, 0], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &@
Through[({a, u3, u4} /. solcur)[TT]];
curpoints0 = Prepend[curpoints0, {aa, uu3, uu4}];
(* 1) First trajectiry: \
Computation of points, when trajectory intersects the hyperspace k=0 *)
Clear[aa, uu3, uu4, curpoints1];
aa = a0 + 3*\[Epsilon]a; uu3 = u30 + 7*\[Epsilon]u3; uu4 =
u40 + 2*\[Epsilon]u4;
NPt1 = 1000;
Print["Black: ", "a=", aa, "u3=", uu3, "u4=", uu4, "NP=", NPt1];
curpoints1 = {N@{aa, uu3, uu4}};
For[i = 0, i < NPt1, i++,
(*kk= kk+\[Epsilon]k;*)
solcur = solau3u4[{aa, uu3, uu4}];
Print[N@Abs[4 Pi/(2uu)]];*)
TT = t /. FindRoot[(k /. solcur)[t] == 0, {t, N@Abs[4 Pi/(2 uu3)]}];
{aa, uu3,
uu4} = {Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, 0], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &@
Through[({a, u3, u4} /. solcur)[TT]];
curpoints1 = Prepend[curpoints1, {aa, uu3, uu4}];
(* 2) Second trajectiry: Computation of points, when trajectory \
intersects the hyperspace k=0 *)
Clear[aa, uu3, uu4, curpoints2];
NPt2 = 1000;
aa = a0 + 1*\[Epsilon]a; uu3 = u30 + 12*\[Epsilon]u3; uu4 =
u40 + 1*\[Epsilon]u4;
Print["Blue: ", "a=", aa, "u3=", uu3, "k=", uu4, "NP=", NPt2];
curpoints2 = {N@{aa, uu3, uu4}};
For[i = 0, i < NPt2, i++,
solcur = solau3u4[{aa, uu3, uu4}];
TT = t /. FindRoot[(k /. solcur)[t] == 0, {t, N@Abs[4 Pi/(2 uu3)]}];
{aa, uu3, uu4} = {Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, 0], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &@
Through[({a, u3, u4} /. solcur)[TT]];
curpoints2 = Prepend[curpoints2, {aa, uu3, uu4}];
(* 3) Third trajectiry: Computation of points, when trajectory \
intersects the hyperspace k=0 *)
Clear[aa, uu3, uu4, curpoints3];
NPt3 = 1000;
aa = a0 - 1.*\[Epsilon]a; uu3 = u30 - 3*\[Epsilon]u3; uu4 =
u40 + 2.*\[Epsilon]u4;
Print["Orange: ", "a=", aa, "u3=", uu3, "u4=", uu4, "NP=", NPt3];
curpoints3 = {N@{aa, uu3, uu4}};
For[i = 0, i < NPt3, i++,
solcur = solau3u4[{aa, uu3, uu4}];
TT = t /. FindRoot[(k /. solcur)[t] == 0, {t, N@Abs[4 Pi/(2 uu3)]}];
{aa, uu3, uu4} = {Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, 0], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &@
Through[({a, u3, u4} /. solcur)[TT]];
curpoints3 = Prepend[curpoints3, {aa, uu3, uu4}];
(* 4) Fourth trajectiry: Computation of points, when trajectory \
intersects the hyperspace k=0 *)
Clear[aa, uu3, uu4, curpoints4];
NPt4 = 1000;
aa = a0 - 2.*\[Epsilon]a; uu3 = u30 + 3*\[Epsilon]u3; uu4 =
u40 + 5.*\[Epsilon]u4;
Print["Green: ", "a=", aa, "u3=", uu3, "u4=", uu4, "NP=", NPt4];
curpoints4 = {N@{aa, uu3, uu4}};
For[i = 0, i < NPt4, i++,
solcur = solau3u4[{aa, uu3, uu4}];
TT = t /. FindRoot[(k /. solcur)[t] == 0, {t, N@Abs[4 Pi/(2 uu3)]}];
{aa, uu3, uu4} = {Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, 0], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &@
Through[({a, u3, u4} /. solcur)[TT]];
curpoints4 = Prepend[curpoints4, {aa, uu3, uu4}];
(* 5) Fifth trajectiry: Computation of points, when trajectory \
intersects the hyperspace k=0 *)
Clear[aa, uu3, uu4, curpoints5];
NPt5 = 1000;
aa = a0 - 3.*\[Epsilon]a; uu3 = u30 + 10*\[Epsilon]u3; uu4 =
u40 + 12.*\[Epsilon]u4;
Print["Purple: ", "a=", aa, "u3=", uu3, "u4=", uu4, "NP=", NPt4];
curpoints5 = {N@{aa, uu3, uu4}};
For[i = 0, i < NPt5, i++,
solcur = solau3u4[{aa, uu3, uu4}];
TT = t /. FindRoot[(k /. solcur)[t] == 0, {t, N@Abs[4 Pi/(2 uu3)]}];
{aa, uu3, uu4} = {Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, 0], #[[2]], #[[3]]} &@
Through[({a, u3, u4} /. solcur)[TT]];
curpoints5 = Prepend[curpoints5, {aa, uu3, uu4}];
(* 3D Plot of the oints in (a,u3,k) space *)
With[{a0 = Pi/2, u30 = 1,
u40 = 0},
Join[{{PointSize[Large], Red, Point[N@{a0, u30, u40}]}},
{{PointSize[Large], Black, Point[N@curpoints1[[1]]]}},
Map[{Black, Point[{Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, -Pi/2], #[[2]], #[[3]]}]} &,
{{PointSize[Large], Blue, Point[N@curpoints2[[1]]]}},
Map[{Blue, Point[{Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, -Pi/2], #[[2]], #[[3]]}]} &,
{{PointSize[Large], Orange, Point[N@curpoints3[[1]]]}},
Point[{Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, -Pi/2], #[[2]], #[[3]]}]} &,
{{PointSize[Large], Green, Point[N@curpoints4[[1]]]}},
Map[{Green, Point[{Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, -Pi/2], #[[2]], #[[3]]}]} &,
{{PointSize[Large], Purple, Point[N@curpoints5[[1]]]}},
Point[{Mod[#[[1]], 2 Pi, -Pi/2], #[[2]], #[[3]]}]} &,
, PlotRange -> All, PlotPoints -> All, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}(*,
Axes\[Rule] True,AxesLabel\[Rule] {"\[Alpha]","Subscript[u, 3]",
"Subscript[u, 4]"},LabelStyle\[Rule]Directive[Black,Bold, Large],
Ticks\[Rule] None*)]]