Copyright (C) 2020 Andreas Kloeckner
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy.optimize as sopt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
Let's make up a random linear system with an SPD A:
n = 2
Q = la.qr(np.random.randn(n, n))[0]
A = Q @ (np.diag(np.random.rand(n)) @ Q.T)
b = np.random.randn(n)
Here's the objective function for CG:
def phi(xvec):
x, y = xvec
return 0.5*(A[0,0]*x*x + 2*A[1,0]*x*y + A[1,1]*y*y) - x*b[0] - y*b[1]
def dphi(xvec):
x, y = xvec
return np.array([
A[0,0]*x + A[0,1]*y - b[0],
A[1,0]*x + A[1,1]*y - b[1]
Here's the function ϕ as a "contour plot":
xmesh, ymesh = np.mgrid[-10:10:50j,-10:10:50j]
phimesh = phi(np.array([xmesh, ymesh]))
pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, phimesh, 50)
Initialize the method:
x0 = np.array([2, 2./5])
#x0 = np.array([2, 1])
iterates = [x0]
gradients = [dphi(x0)]
directions = [-dphi(x0)]
Evaluate this cell many times in-place:
x = iterates[-1]
s = directions[-1]
def f1d(alpha):
return phi(x + alpha*s)
alpha_opt = sopt.golden(f1d)
next_x = x + alpha_opt*s
g = dphi(next_x)
last_g = gradients[-1]
beta =, g)/, last_g)
directions.append(-g + beta*directions[-1])
# plot function and iterates
pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, phimesh, 50)
it_array = np.array(iterates)
pt.plot(it_array.T[0], it_array.T[1], "x-")