The text below and the files in this directory are copied from and slightly adapted to work on ScienceData.
pandas is a Python library for doing data analysis. It's really fast and lets you do exploratory work incredibly quickly.
The goal of this cookbook is to give you some concrete examples for getting started with pandas. The docs are really comprehensive. However, I've often had people tell me that they have some trouble getting started, so these are examples with real-world data, and all the bugs and weirdness that entails.
It uses 3 datasets:
It comes with batteries (data) included, so you can try out all the examples right away.
The easiest way is to try it out online: Click on one of the links above to view a notebook, click on "Import" to import the notebook to your own ScienceData files, in ScienceData, browse to where you imported the notebook, click "Run" and finally "Apply" to launch a Jupyter notebook server, wait for it to launch and you'll be off to the races! This way you can run all the code interactively without having to install anything on your computer.
To install it locally , you'll need an up-to-date version of IPython Notebook (>= 3.0) and n your computer pandas (>=0.13) for this to work properly. It's set up to work with Python 2.7.
You can get these using pip
(you may want to do this inside a virtual environment to avoid conflicting with your other libraries).
pip install -r requirements.txt
This can be difficult to get set up and require you to compile a whole bunch of things. I instead use and recommend Anaconda, which is a Python distribution which will give you everything you need. It's free and open source.
Once you have pandas and IPython, you can get going!
git clone
cd pandas-cookbook/cookbook
ipython notebook
A tab should open up in your browser at http://localhost:8888
Happy pandas!
This repository contains Dockerfile and can be built into a docker container. To build the container run following command from inside of the repository directory:
docker build -t jvns/pandas-cookbook -f Dockerfile-Local .
run the container:
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -e "PASSWORD=MakeAPassword" <IMAGE ID>
you can find out about the id of the image, by checking
docker images
After starting the container, you can access ipython notebook with the cookbook
on port 8888. Remember to use https and authenticate with MakeAPassword
https://<docker ip>:8888
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License