Yi-Hao Chen, Sebastian Heinz, Kelle Cruz, Stephanie T. Douglas
Assign WCS astrometry to an image using astropy.wcs
Construct a PSF using astropy.modeling.model
Convolve raw data with PSF using astropy.convolution
Calculate polarization fraction and angle from Stokes I, Q, U data
Overplot quivers on the image
modeling, convolution, coordinates, WCS, FITS, radio astronomy, matplotlib, colorbar
In this tutorial, we will:
1. Load and examine the FITS file
2. Set up astrometry coordinates
3. Prepare a Point Spread Function (PSF))
5. Convolve Stokes Q and U images
6. Calculate polarization angle and fraction for quiver plot
from astropy.utils.data import download_file
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel
from astropy.modeling.models import Lorentz1D
from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
Here we begin with a 2-dimensional data that were stored in FITS format from some simulations. We have Stokes I, Q, and U maps. We we'll first load a FITS file and examine the header.
file_i = download_file(
hdulist = fits.open(file_i)
hdu = hdulist['NN_EMISSIVITY_I_LOBE_150.0MHZ']
We can see this FITS file, which was created in yt, has x and y coordinate in physical units (cm). We want to convert it into sky coordinates. Before we proceed, let's find out the range of the data and plot a histogram.
np.seterr(divide='ignore') #suppress the warnings raised by taking log10 of data with zeros
plt.hist(np.log10(hdu.data.flatten()), range=(-3, 2), bins=100);
Once we know the range of the data, we can do a visualization with the proper range (vmin
and vmax
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,12))
# We plot it in log-scale and add a small number to avoid nan values.
plt.imshow(np.log10(hdu.data+1E-3), vmin=-1, vmax=1, origin='lower')
From the header, we know that the x and y axes are in centimeter. However, in an observation we usually have RA and Dec. To convert physical units to sky coordinates, we will need to make some assumptions about where the object is located, i.e. the distance to the object and the central RA and Dec.
# distance to the object
dist_obj = 200*u.Mpc
# We have the RA in hh:mm:ss and DEC in dd:mm:ss format.
# We will use Skycoord to convert them into degrees later.
ra_obj = '19h59m28.3566s'
dec_obj = '+40d44m02.096s'
Here we convert the pixel scale from cm to degree by dividing the distance to the object.
cdelt1 = ((hdu.header['CDELT1']*u.cm/dist_obj.to('cm'))*u.rad).to('deg')
cdelt2 = ((hdu.header['CDELT2']*u.cm/dist_obj.to('cm'))*u.rad).to('deg')
print(cdelt1, cdelt2)
Use astropy.wcs.WCS
to prepare a FITS header.
w = WCS(naxis=2)
# reference pixel coordinate
w.wcs.crpix = [hdu.data.shape[0]/2,hdu.data.shape[1]/2]
# sizes of the pixel in degrees
w.wcs.cdelt = [-cdelt1.base, cdelt2.base]
# converting ra and dec into degrees
c = SkyCoord(ra_obj, dec_obj)
w.wcs.crval = [c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg]
# the units of the axes are in degrees
w.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg']
Now we can convert the WCS coordinate into header and update the hdu.
wcs_header = w.to_header()
Let's take a look at the header. CDELT1
, and CRVAL2
are in sky coordinates now.
wcs = WCS(hdu.header)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,12))
fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs)
plt.imshow(np.log10(hdu.data+1e-3), vmin=-1, vmax=1, origin='lower')
Now we have the sky coordinate for the image!
Simple PSFs are included in astropy.convolution.kernel
. We'll use astropy.convolution.Gaussian2DKernel
First we need to set the telescope resolution. For a 2D Gaussian, we can calculate sigma in pixels by using our pixel scale keyword cdelt2
from above.
# assume our telescope has 1 arcsecond resolution
telescope_resolution = 1*u.arcsecond
# calculate the sigma in pixels.
# since cdelt is in degrees, we use _.to('deg')
sigma = telescope_resolution.to('deg')/cdelt2
# By default, the Gaussian kernel will go to 4 sigma
# in each direction
psf = Gaussian2DKernel(sigma)
# let's take a look:
Maybe your PSF is more complicated. Here's an alternative way to do this, using a 2D Lorentzian
# set FWHM and psf grid
telescope_resolution = 1*u.arcsecond
gamma = telescope_resolution.to('deg')/cdelt2
x_grid = np.outer(np.linspace(-gamma*4,gamma*4,int(8*gamma)),np.ones(int(8*gamma)))
r_grid = np.sqrt(x_grid**2 + np.transpose(x_grid**2))
lorentzian = Lorentz1D(fwhm=2*gamma)
# extrude a 2D azimuthally symmetric PSF
lorentzian_psf = lorentzian(r_grid)
# normalization
lorentzian_psf /= np.sum(lorentzian_psf)
# let's take a look again:
plt.imshow(lorentzian_psf.value, interpolation='none')
Here we use astropy.convolution.convolve_fft
to convolve image. This routine uses fourier transform for faster calculation. Especially since our data is $2^n$ sized, which makes it particually fast. Using a fft, however, causes boundary effects. We'll need to specify how we want to handle the boundary. Here we choose to "wrap" the data, which means making the data periodic.
convolved_image = convolve_fft(hdu.data, psf, boundary='wrap')
# Put a psf at the corner of the image
delta_x_psf=100 # number of pixels from the edges
xmin, xmax = -psf.shape[1]-delta_x_psf, -delta_x_psf
ymin, ymax = delta_x_psf, delta_x_psf+psf.shape[0]
convolved_image[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] = psf.array/psf.array.max()*10
Now let's take a look at the convolved image.
wcs = WCS(hdu.header)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,12))
i_plot = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs)
plt.imshow(np.log10(convolved_image+1e-3), vmin=-1, vmax=1.0, origin='lower')#, cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
file_q = download_file(
hdulist = fits.open(file_q)
hdu_q = hdulist['NN_EMISSIVITY_Q_LOBE_150.0MHZ']
file_u = download_file(
hdulist = fits.open(file_u)
hdu_u = hdulist['NN_EMISSIVITY_U_LOBE_150.0MHZ']
# Update the header with the wcs_header we created earlier
# Convolve the images with the the psf
convolved_image_q = convolve_fft(hdu_q.data, psf, boundary='wrap')
convolved_image_u = convolve_fft(hdu_u.data, psf, boundary='wrap')
Let's plot the Q and U images.
wcs = WCS(hdu.header)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
fig.add_subplot(121, projection=wcs)
plt.imshow(convolved_image_q, cmap='seismic', vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5, origin='lower')#, cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
fig.add_subplot(122, projection=wcs)
plt.imshow(convolved_image_u, cmap='seismic', vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5, origin='lower')#, cmap=plt.cm.viridis)
Note that rotating Stokes Q and I maps requires changing signs of both. Here we assume that the Stokes q and u maps were calculated defining the y/declination axis as vertical, such that Q is positive for polarization vectors along the x/right-ascention axis.
# First, we plot the background image
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,16))
i_plot = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs)
i_plot.imshow(np.log10(convolved_image+1e-3), vmin=-1, vmax=1, origin='lower')
# ranges of the axis
xx0, xx1 = i_plot.get_xlim()
yy0, yy1 = i_plot.get_ylim()
# binning factor
factor = [64, 66]
# re-binned number of points in each axis
nx_new = convolved_image.shape[1] // factor[0]
ny_new = convolved_image.shape[0] // factor[1]
# These are the positions of the quivers
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xx0,xx1,nx_new,endpoint=True),
# bin the data
I_bin = convolved_image.reshape(nx_new, factor[0], ny_new, factor[1]).sum(3).sum(1)
Q_bin = convolved_image_q.reshape(nx_new, factor[0], ny_new, factor[1]).sum(3).sum(1)
U_bin = convolved_image_u.reshape(nx_new, factor[0], ny_new, factor[1]).sum(3).sum(1)
# polarization angle
psi = 0.5*np.arctan2(U_bin, Q_bin)
# polarization fraction
frac = np.sqrt(Q_bin**2+U_bin**2)/I_bin
# mask for low signal area
mask = I_bin < 0.1
frac[mask] = 0
psi[mask] = 0
pixX = frac*np.cos(psi) # X-vector
pixY = frac*np.sin(psi) # Y-vector
# keyword arguments for quiverplots
quiveropts = dict(headlength=0, headwidth=1, pivot='middle')
i_plot.quiver(X, Y, pixX, pixY, scale=8, **quiveropts)
The intensity of the data is given in unit of Jy/arcsec^2. Observational data usually have the intensity unit in Jy/beam. Assuming a beam size or take the psf we created earlier, you can convert the data into Jy/beam.