Using Astropy Quantities and Units for astrophysical calculations


Ana Bonaca, Erik Tollerud, Jonathan Foster, Lia Corrales, Kris Stern, Stephanie T. Douglas

Learning Goals

  • Use Quantity objects to estimate a hypothetical galaxy's mass

  • Take advantage of constants in the astropy.constants library

  • Print formatted unit strings

  • Plot Quantity objects with unit labels, using astropy.visualization.quantity_support

  • Do math with Quantity objects

  • Convert quantities with astropy.units

  • Convert between wavelength and energy with astropy.units.spectral equivalencies

  • Use the small angle approximation with astropy.units.dimensionless_angles equivalencies

  • Write functions that take Quantity objects instead of numpy arrays

  • Make synthetic radio observations

  • Use Quantity objects such as data cubes to facilitate a full derivation of the total mass of a molecular cloud


units, radio astronomy, data cubes, matplotlib

Companion Content

Tools for Radio Astronomy by Rohlfs & Wilson


In this tutorial we present some examples showing how Astropy's Quantity object can make astrophysics calculations easier. The examples include calculating the mass of a galaxy from its velocity dispersion and determining masses of molecular clouds from CO intensity maps. We end with an example of good practices for using quantities in functions you might distribute to other people.

For an in-depth discussion of Quantity objects, see the astropy documentation section.


We start by loading standard libraries and set up plotting for ipython notebooks.

In [1]:
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# You shouldn't use the `seed` function in real science code, but we use it here for example purposes.

# It makes the "random" number generator always give the same numbers wherever you run it.


# Set up matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

It's conventional to load the Astropy units module as the variable u, demonstrated below. This will make working with Quantity objects much easier.

Astropy also has a constants module where typical physical constants are available. The constants are stored as objects of a subclass of Quantity, so they behave just like a Quantity. Here, we'll only need the gravitational constant G, Planck's constant h, and Boltzmann's constant, k_B.

In [2]:
import astropy.units as u

from astropy.constants import G, h, k_B

We will also show an example of plotting while taking advantage of the astropy.visualization package, which provides support for Quantity units.

In [3]:
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support

1. Galaxy mass

In this first example, we will use Quantity objects to estimate a hypothetical galaxy's mass, given its half-light radius and radial velocities of stars in the galaxy.

Let's assume that we measured the half-light radius of the galaxy to be 29 pc projected on the sky at the distance of the galaxy. This radius is often called the "effective radius", so we'll store it as a Quantity object with the name Reff. The easiest way to create a Quantity object is by multiplying the value with its unit. Units are accessed as u."unit", in this case u.pc.

In [4]:
Reff = 29 * u.pc

A completely equivalent (but more verbose) way of doing the same thing is to use the Quantity object's initializer, demonstrated below. In general, the simpler form (above) is preferred, as it is closer to how such a quantity would actually be written in text. The initalizer form has more options, though, which you can learn about from the astropy reference documentation on Quantity.

In [5]:
Reff = u.Quantity(29, unit=u.pc)

We can access the value and unit of a Quantity using the value and unit attributes.

In [6]:
print("""Half light radius

value: {0}

unit: {1}""".format(Reff.value, Reff.unit))
Half light radius

value: 29.0

unit: pc

The value and unit attributes can also be accessed within the print function.

In [7]:
print("""Half light radius

value: {0.value}

unit: {0.unit}""".format(Reff))
Half light radius

value: 29.0

unit: pc

Furthermore, we can convert the radius in parsecs to any other unit of length using the to() method. Here, we convert it to meters.

In [8]:
8.95e+17 m

Next, we'll first create a synthetic dataset of radial velocity measurements, assuming a normal distribution with a mean velocity of 206 km/s and a velocity dispersion of 4.3 km/s.

In [9]:
vmean = 206

sigin = 4.3

v = np.random.normal(vmean, sigin, 500)*
In [10]:
print("""First 10 radial velocity measurements: 


First 10 radial velocity measurements: 

[205.11975706 208.05945635 203.76641353 203.61035969 214.45285646
 211.99164508 206.39950387 207.21150846 209.30679704 211.35966937] km / s

[205119.75706422 208059.45635365 203766.41352526 203610.35969131
 214452.85646176 211991.64508178 206399.50387    207211.50845717
 209306.79704073 211359.66936646] m / s

One can ocassionally run into issues when attempting to plot Quantity objects with matplotlib libraries. It is always possible to fix this by passing the value array (e.g., v.value) to matplotlib functions. However, calling the astropy.visualization.quantity_support() function will change the settings on your matplotlib session to better handle astropy Quantity objects:

In [11]:
<astropy.visualization.units.quantity_support.<locals>.MplQuantityConverter at 0x7f5b849f4610>

Now we can plot a histogram of the velocity dataset. Note that, due to calling quantity_support, the x-axis is automatically labeled with the correct units.

In [12]:

plt.hist(v, bins='auto', histtype="step")

Text(0, 0.5, 'N')

Now we can calculate the velocity dispersion of the galaxy. This demonstrates how you can perform basic operations like subtraction and division with Quantity objects, and also use them in standard numpy functions such as mean() and size(). They retain their units through these operations just as you would expect them to.

In [13]:
sigma = np.sqrt(np.sum((v - np.mean(v))**2) / np.size(v))

print("Velocity dispersion: {0:.2f}".format(sigma))
Velocity dispersion: 4.36 km / s

Note how we needed to use numpy square root function, because the resulting velocity dispersion quantity is a numpy array. If we used the python standard math library's sqrt function instead, we get an error.

In [14]:
sigma_scalar = np.sqrt(np.sum((v - np.mean(v))**2) / len(v))

In general, you should only use numpy functions with Quantity objects, not the math equivalents, unless you are sure you understand the consequences.

Now for the actual mass calculation. If a galaxy is pressure-supported (for example, an elliptical or dwarf spheroidal galaxy), its mass within the stellar extent can be estimated using a straightforward formula: $M_{1/2}=4\sigma^2 R_{eff}/G$. There are caveats to the use of this formula for science -- see Wolf et al. 2010 for details. For demonstrating Quantity, you can accept that this is often good enough. For the calculation, we can multiply the quantities together, and astropy will keep track of the units.

In [15]:
M = 4*sigma**2*Reff/G

$3.3084841 \times 10^{13} \; \mathrm{\frac{km^{2}\,kg\,pc}{m^{3}}}$

The result is in a composite unit, so it's not really obvious it's a mass. However, it can be decomposed to cancel all of the length units ($km^2 pc/m^3$) using the decompose() method.

In [16]:
$1.0208915 \times 10^{36} \; \mathrm{kg}$

We can also easily express the mass in whatever form you like -- solar masses are common in astronomy, or maybe you want the default SI and CGS units.

In [17]:
print("""Galaxy mass

in solar units: {0:.3g}

SI units: {1:.3g}

CGS units: {2:.3g}""".format(,, M.cgs))
Galaxy mass

in solar units: 5.13e+05 solMass

SI units: 1.02e+36 kg

CGS units: 1.02e+39 g

Or, if you want the log of the mass, you can just use np.log10 as long as the logarithm's argument is dimensionless.

In [18]:

However, you can't take the log of something with units, as that is not mathematically sensible.

In [19]:
UnitConversionError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity_helper/ in helper_dimensionless_to_dimensionless(f, unit)
    137     try:
--> 138         return ([get_converter(unit, dimensionless_unscaled)],
    139                 dimensionless_unscaled)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity_helper/ in get_converter(from_unit, to_unit)
     31     i.e., if the inferred scale is unity."""
---> 32     converter = from_unit._get_converter(to_unit)
     33     return None if converter is unit_scale_converter else converter

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies)
-> 1066             raise exc

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies)
   1050         try:
-> 1051             return self._apply_equivalencies(
   1052                 self, other, self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies))

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _apply_equivalencies(self, unit, other, equivalencies)
-> 1027         raise UnitConversionError(
   1028             f"{unit_str} and {other_str} are not convertible")

UnitConversionError: 'kg km2 pc / m3' (mass) and '' (dimensionless) are not convertible

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

UnitTypeError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_3759/ in <module>
----> 1 np.log10(M)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in __array_ufunc__(self, function, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
    592         # consistent units between two inputs (e.g., in np.add) --
    593         # and the unit of the result (or tuple of units for nout > 1).
--> 594         converters, unit = converters_and_unit(function, method, *inputs)
    596         out = kwargs.get('out', None)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity_helper/ in converters_and_unit(function, method, *args)
    173         # Determine possible conversion functions, and the result unit.
--> 174         converters, result_unit = ufunc_helper(function, *units)
    176         if any(converter is False for converter in converters):

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity_helper/ in helper_dimensionless_to_dimensionless(f, unit)
    139                 dimensionless_unscaled)
    140     except UnitsError:
--> 141         raise UnitTypeError("Can only apply '{}' function to "
    142                             "dimensionless quantities"
    143                             .format(f.__name__))

UnitTypeError: Can only apply 'log10' function to dimensionless quantities


Use Quantity and Kepler's law in the form given below to determine the (circular) orbital speed of the Earth around the sun in km/s. No need to look up constants or conversion factors to do this calculation -- it's all in astropy.units and astropy.constants.

$$v = \sqrt{\frac{G M_{\odot}}{r}}$$
In [ ]:

There's a much easier way to figure out the velocity of the Earth using just two units or quantities. Do that and then compare to the Kepler's law answer (the easiest way is probably to compute the percentage difference, if any).

In [ ]:

(Completely optional, but a good way to convince yourself of the value of Quantity:) Do the above calculations by hand -- you can use a calculator (or python just for its arithmatic) but look up all the appropriate conversion factors and use paper-and-pencil approaches for keeping track of them all. Which one took longer?

In [ ]:

2. Molecular cloud mass

In this second example, we will demonstrate how using Quantity objects can facilitate a full derivation of the total mass of a molecular cloud using radio observations of isotopes of Carbon Monoxide (CO).

Setting up the data cube

Let's assume that we've mapped the inner part of a molecular cloud in the J=1-0 rotational transition of ${\rm C}^{18}{\rm O}$ and are interested in measuring its total mass. The measurement produced a data cube with RA and Dec as spatial coordiates and velocity as the third axis. Each voxel in this data cube represents the brightness temperature of the emission at that position and velocity. Furthermore, we'll assume that we have an independent measurement of distance to the cloud $d=250$ pc and that the excitation temperature is known and constant throughout the cloud: $T_{ex}=25$ K.

In [20]:
d = 250 * u.pc

Tex = 25 * u.K

We'll generate a synthetic dataset, assuming the cloud follows a Gaussian distribution in each of RA, Dec and velocity. We start by creating a 100x100x300 numpy array, such that the first coordinate is right ascension, the second is declination, and the third is velocity. We use the numpy.meshgrid function to create data cubes for each of the three coordinates, and then use them in the formula for a Gaussian to generate an array with the synthetic data cube. In this cube, the cloud is positioned at the center of the cube, with $\sigma$ and the center in each dimension shown below. Note in particular that the $\sigma$ for RA and Dec have different units from the center, but astropy automatically does the relevant conversions before computing the exponential.

In [21]:
# Cloud's center

cen_ra = 52.25 * u.deg

cen_dec = 0.25 * u.deg

cen_v = 15 *

# Cloud's size

sig_ra = 3 * u.arcmin

sig_dec = 4 * u.arcmin

sig_v = 3 *

#1D coordinate quantities

ra = np.linspace(52, 52.5, 100) * u.deg

dec = np.linspace(0, 0.5, 100) * u.deg

v = np.linspace(0, 30, 300) *

#this creates data cubes of size for each coordinate based on the dimensions of the other coordinates

ra_cube, dec_cube, v_cube = np.meshgrid(ra, dec, v)

data_gauss = np.exp(-0.5*((ra_cube-cen_ra)/sig_ra)**2 + 

                    -0.5*((dec_cube-cen_dec)/sig_dec)**2 + 

                    -0.5*((v_cube-cen_v)/sig_v)**2 )

The units of the exponential are dimensionless, so we multiply the data cube by K to get brightness temperature units. Radio astronomers use a rather odd set of units [K km/s] as of integrated intensity (that is, summing all the emission from a line over velocity). As an aside for experts, we're setting up our artificial cube on the main-beam temperature scale (T$_{\rm MB}$) which is the closest we can normally get to the actual brightness temperature of our source.

In [22]:
data = data_gauss * u.K

We will also need to know the width of each velocity bin and the size of each pixel, so let's calculate that now.

In [23]:
# Average pixel size

# This is only right if dec ~ 0, because of the cos(dec) factor.

dra = (ra.max() - ra.min()) / len(ra)

ddec = (dec.max() - dec.min()) / len(dec)

#Average velocity bin width

dv = (v.max() - v.min()) / len(v)

print("""dra = {0}

ddec = {1}

dv = {2}""".format(,, dv))
dra = 18.0 arcsec

ddec = 18.0 arcsec

dv = 0.1 km / s

We're interested in the integrated intensity over all of the velocity channels, so let's create a 2D quantity array by summing our data cube along the velocity axis (multiplying by the velocity width of a pixel).

In [24]:
intcloud = np.sum(data*dv, axis=2)


We can plot the 2D quantity using matplotlib's imshow function, by passing the quantity's value. Similarly, we can set the correct extent using the values of $x_i$ and $x_f$. Finally, we can set the colorbar label to have proper units.

In [25]:
#Note that we display RA in the convential way by going from max to min



           extent=[ra.value.max(), ra.value.min(), dec.value.min(), dec.value.max()], 




plt.colorbar().set_label("Intensity ({})".format(intcloud.unit))

plt.xlabel("RA (deg)")

plt.ylabel("Dec (deg)");

Measuring The Column Density of CO

In order to calculate the mass of the molecular cloud, we need to measure its column density. A number of assumptions are required for the following calculation; the most important are that the emission is optically thin (typically true for ${\rm C}^{18}{\rm O}$) and that conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium hold along the line of sight. In the case where the temperature is large compared to the separation in energy levels for a molecule and the source fills the main beam of the telescope, the total column density for ${\rm C}^{13}{\rm O}$ is

$N=C \frac{\int T_B(V) dV}{1-e^{-B}}$

where the constants $C$ and $B$ are given by:

$C=3.0\times10^{14} \left(\frac{\nu}{\nu_{13}}\right)^2 \frac{A_{13}}{A} {\rm K^{-1} cm^{-2} \, km^{-1} \, s}$

$B=\frac{h\nu}{k_B T}$

(Rohlfs & Wilson Tools for Radio Astronomy).

Here we have given an expression for $C$ scaled to the values for ${\rm C}^{13}{\rm O}$ ($\nu_{13}$ and $A_{13}$). In order to use this relation for ${\rm C}^{18}{\rm O}$, we need to rescale the frequencies ${\nu}$ and Einstein coefficients $A$. $C$ is in funny mixed units, but that's okay. We'll define it as a Quantities object and not have to worry about it.

First, we look up the wavelength for these emission lines and store them as quantities.

In [26]:
lambda13 = 2.60076 *

lambda18 = 2.73079 *

Since the wavelength and frequency of light are related using the speed of light, we can convert between them. However, doing so just using the to() method fails, as units of length and frequency are not convertible:

In [27]:
nu13 =

nu18 =
UnitConversionError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_3759/ in <module>
----> 1 nu13 =
      3 nu18 =

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in to(self, unit, equivalencies, copy)
    847             # Avoid using to_value to ensure that we make a copy. We also
    848             # don't want to slow down this method (esp. the scalar case).
--> 849             value = self._to_value(unit, equivalencies)
    850         else:
    851             # to_value only copies if necessary

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _to_value(self, unit, equivalencies)
    801         if not self.dtype.names or isinstance(self.unit, StructuredUnit):
    802             # Standard path, let unit to do work.
--> 803             return, self.view(np.ndarray),
    804                                 equivalencies=equivalencies)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in to(self, other, value, equivalencies)
   1133             return UNITY
   1134         else:
-> 1135             return self._get_converter(Unit(other),
   1136                                        equivalencies=equivalencies)(value)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies)
   1064                             pass
-> 1066             raise exc
   1068     def _to(self, other):

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies)
   1049         # if that doesn't work, maybe we can do it with equivalencies?
   1050         try:
-> 1051             return self._apply_equivalencies(
   1052                 self, other, self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies))
   1053         except UnitsError as exc:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _apply_equivalencies(self, unit, other, equivalencies)
   1025         other_str = get_err_str(other)
-> 1027         raise UnitConversionError(
   1028             f"{unit_str} and {other_str} are not convertible")

UnitConversionError: 'mm' (length) and 'Hz' (frequency) are not convertible

Fortunately, astropy comes to the rescue by providing a feature called "unit equivalencies." Equivalencies provide a way to convert between two physically different units that are not normally equivalent, but in a certain context have a one-to-one mapping. For more on equivalencies, see the equivalencies section of astropy's documentation.

In this case, calling the astropy.units.spectral() function provides the equivalencies necessary to handle conversions between wavelength and frequency. To use it, provide the equivalencies to the equivalencies keyword of the to() call:

In [28]:
nu13 =, equivalencies=u.spectral())

nu18 =, equivalencies=u.spectral())

Next, we look up Einstein coefficients (in units of s$^{-1}$), and calculate the ratios in constant $C$. Note how the ratios of frequency and Einstein coefficient units are dimensionless, so the unit of $C$ is unchanged.

In [29]:
nu13 = 115271096910.13396 * u.Hz

nu18 = 109782318669.689 * u.Hz

A13 = 7.4e-8 / u.s

A18 = 8.8e-8 / u.s

C = 3e14 * (nu18/nu13)**3 * (A13/A18) / (u.K ***2 * *(1/u.s))

$2.1792458 \times 10^{14} \; \mathrm{\frac{s}{K\,km\,cm^{2}}}$

Now we move on to calculate the constant $B$. This is given by the ratio of $\frac{h\nu}{k_B T}$, where $h$ is Planck's constant, $k_B$ is the Boltzmann's constant, $\nu$ is the emission frequency, and $T$ is the excitation temperature. The constants were imported from astropy.constants, and the other two values are already calculated, so here we just take the ratio.

In [30]:
B = h * nu18 / (k_B * Tex)

The units of $B$ are Hz sec, which can be decomposed to a dimensionless unit if you actually care about its value. Usually this is not necessary, though. Quantities are at their best if you use them without worrying about intermediate units, and only convert at the very end when you want a final answer.

In [31]:
print('{0}\n{1}'.format(B, B.decompose()))
0.21074881298143522 Hz s

At this point we have all the ingredients to calculate the number density of $\rm CO$ molecules in this cloud. We already integrated (summed) over the velocity channels above to show the integrated intensity map, but we'll do it again here for clarity. This gives us the column density of CO for each spatial pixel in our map. We can then print out the peak column column density.

In [32]:
NCO = C * np.sum(data*dv, axis=2) / (1 - np.exp(-B))

print("Peak CO column density: ")

Peak CO column density: 
$8.5782091 \times 10^{15} \; \mathrm{\frac{1}{cm^{2}}}$

CO to Total Mass

We are using CO as a tracer for the much more numerous H$_2$, the quantity we are actually trying to infer. Since most of the mass is in H$_2$, we calculate its column density by multiplying the CO column density with the (known/assumed) H$_2$/CO ratio.

In [33]:
H2_CO_ratio = 5.9e6

NH2 = NCO * H2_CO_ratio

print("Peak H2 column density: ")

Peak H2 column density: 
$5.0611434 \times 10^{22} \; \mathrm{\frac{1}{cm^{2}}}$

That's a peak column density of roughly 50 magnitudes of visual extinction (assuming the conversion between N$_{\rm H_2}$ and A$_V$ from Bohlin et al. 1978), which seems reasonable for a molecular cloud.

We obtain the mass column density by multiplying the number column density by the mass of an individual H$_2$ molecule.

In [34]:
mH2 = 2 * 1.008 * u.Dalton  #aka atomic mass unit/amu

rho = NH2 * mH2

A final step in going from the column density to mass is summing up over the area area. If we do this in the straightforward way of length x width of a pixel, this area is then in units of ${\rm deg}^2$.

In [35]:
dap = dra * ddec

2.5e-05 deg2

Now comes an important subtlety: in the small angle approximation, multiplying the pixel area with the square of distance yields the cross-sectional area of the cloud that the pixel covers, in physical units, rather than angular units. So it's tempting to just multiply the area and the square of the distance.

In [36]:
da = dap * d**2  # don't actually do it this way - use the version below instead!

1.5625 deg2 pc2
In [37]: * d**2
$0.00047596472 \; \mathrm{pc^{2}}$

But this is wrong, because astropy.units treats angles (and solid angles) as actual physical units, while the small-angle approximation assumes angles are dimensionless. So if you, e.g., try to convert to a different area unit, it will fail:

In [38]:**2)
UnitConversionError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_3759/ in <module>
----> 1**2)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in to(self, unit, equivalencies, copy)
    847             # Avoid using to_value to ensure that we make a copy. We also
    848             # don't want to slow down this method (esp. the scalar case).
--> 849             value = self._to_value(unit, equivalencies)
    850         else:
    851             # to_value only copies if necessary

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _to_value(self, unit, equivalencies)
    801         if not self.dtype.names or isinstance(self.unit, StructuredUnit):
    802             # Standard path, let unit to do work.
--> 803             return, self.view(np.ndarray),
    804                                 equivalencies=equivalencies)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in to(self, other, value, equivalencies)
   1133             return UNITY
   1134         else:
-> 1135             return self._get_converter(Unit(other),
   1136                                        equivalencies=equivalencies)(value)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies)
   1064                             pass
-> 1066             raise exc
   1068     def _to(self, other):

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies)
   1049         # if that doesn't work, maybe we can do it with equivalencies?
   1050         try:
-> 1051             return self._apply_equivalencies(
   1052                 self, other, self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies))
   1053         except UnitsError as exc:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in _apply_equivalencies(self, unit, other, equivalencies)
   1025         other_str = get_err_str(other)
-> 1027         raise UnitConversionError(
   1028             f"{unit_str} and {other_str} are not convertible")

UnitConversionError: 'deg2 pc2' and 'cm2' (area) are not convertible

The solution is to use the dimensionless_angles equivalency, which allows angles to be treated as dimensionless. This makes it so that they will automatically convert to radians and become dimensionless when a conversion is needed.

In [39]:
da = (dap * d**2).to(u.pc**2, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())

$0.00047596472 \; \mathrm{pc^{2}}$
In [40]:**2)
$4.5318534 \times 10^{33} \; \mathrm{cm^{2}}$

Finally, multiplying the column density with the pixel area and summing over all the pixels gives us the cloud mass.

In [41]:
M = np.sum(rho * da)

$317.64843 \; \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$


The astro material was pretty heavy on that one, so let's focus on some associated statistics using Quantity's array capabililities. Compute the median and mean of the data with the np.mean and np.median functions. Why are their values so different?

In [ ]:

Similarly, compute the standard deviation and variance (if you don't know the relevant functions, look it up in the numpy docs or just type np. and a code cell). Do they have the units you expect?

In [ ]:

3. Using Quantities with Functions

Quantity is also a useful tool if you plan to share some of your code, either with collaborators or the wider community. By writing functions that take Quantity objects instead of raw numbers or arrays, you can write code that is agnostic to the input unit. In this way, you may even be able to prevent the destruction of Mars orbiters. Below, we provide a simple example.

Suppose you are working on an instrument, and the person funding it asks for a function to give an analytic estimate of the response function. You determine from some tests it's basically a Lorentzian, but with a different scale along the two axes. Your first thought might be to do this:

In [42]:
def response_func(xinarcsec, yinarcsec):

    xscale = 0.9

    yscale = 0.85

    xfactor = 1 / (1 + xinarcsec/xscale)

    yfactor = 1 / (1 + yinarcsec/yscale)


    return xfactor * yfactor

You meant the inputs to be in arcsec, but alas, you send that to your collaborator and they don't look closely and think the inputs are instead supposed to be in arcmin. So they do:

In [43]:
response_func(1.0, 1.2)

And now they tell all their friends how terrible the instrument is, because it's supposed to have arcsecond resolution, but your function clearly shows it can only resolve an arcmin at best. But you can solve this by requiring they pass in Quantity objects. The new function could simply be:

In [44]:
def response_func(x, y):

    xscale = 0.9 * u.arcsec

    yscale = 0.85 * u.arcsec

    xfactor = 1 / (1 + x/xscale)

    yfactor = 1 / (1 + y/yscale)


    return xfactor * yfactor

And your collaborator now has to pay attention. If they just blindly put in a number they get an error:

In [45]:
response_func(1.0, 1.2)
UnitConversionError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_3759/ in <module>
----> 1 response_func(1.0, 1.2)

/tmp/ipykernel_3759/ in response_func(x, y)
      5     yscale = 0.85 * u.arcsec
----> 7     xfactor = 1 / (1 + x/xscale)
      9     yfactor = 1 / (1 + y/yscale)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/ in __array_ufunc__(self, function, method, *inputs, **kwargs)
    592         # consistent units between two inputs (e.g., in np.add) --
    593         # and the unit of the result (or tuple of units for nout > 1).
--> 594         converters, unit = converters_and_unit(function, method, *inputs)
    596         out = kwargs.get('out', None)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/astropy/units/quantity_helper/ in converters_and_unit(function, method, *args)
    190                         converters[i] = None
    191                     else:
--> 192                         raise UnitConversionError(
    193                             "Can only apply '{}' function to "
    194                             "dimensionless quantities when other "

UnitConversionError: Can only apply 'add' function to dimensionless quantities when other argument is not a quantity (unless the latter is all zero/infinity/nan)

Which is their cue to provide the units explicitly:

In [46]:
response_func(1.0*u.arcmin, 1.2*u.arcmin)
$0.0001724307 \; \mathrm{}$

The funding agency is impressed at the resolution you achieved, and your instrument is saved! You now go on to win the Nobel Prize due to discoveries the instrument makes. And it was all because you used Quantity as the input of code you shared.


Write a function that computes the Keplerian velocity you worked out in section 1 (using Quantity input and outputs, of course), but allowing for an arbitrary mass and orbital radius. Try it with some reasonable numbers for satellites orbiting the Earth, a moon of Jupiter, or an extrasolar planet. Feel free to use wikipedia or similar for the masses and distances.

In [ ]: