In Exercise 1, you used scipy.stats.linregress
to perform a linear regression to some experimental kinetics data, modelled using the linear form of the Van't Hoff equation.
In Exercise 2, you learned how to solve the same problem by writing two functions: a model function, and an error function; then finding an optimised set of model parameters that minimise your errors, using scipy.optimize.minimize
The second approach is not restricted to fitting linear equations, and can generally be used to fit any model function to some reference dataset. In this, third, exercise, you will use the same technique to fit a non-linear model describing some flash photolysis data.
Flash photolysis is a technique for investigating fast photochemical reactions, by exposing the reactant to very brief and intense flashes of light, and then spectroscopically analysing the resulting products. The data collected give a measure of fluorescence intensity with respect to time. The time scale is usually of the order of picoseconds, while the measure of intensity is usually the photon count.
The equation that governs a fluorescence lifetime is a biexponential — it depends on two exponential terms, and for this reason cannot be converted to a linear form by taking logs.
\begin{equation} I \propto A_1\mathrm{e}^{-k_{1}t} + A_2\mathrm{e}^{-k_{2}t}\tag{1}. \end{equation}The pre-exponential factors $A_1$ and $A_2$ govern the contribution of each exponential decay (green and red line) to the overall signal. $t$ is the time, and $k_{1}$ and $k_{2}$ are the respective radiative rate constants for each lifetime.
In a bi-exponential plot such as the one displayed in the Figure below, there are three key features. The blue curve is the flash or pump signal. It is a very brief flash from the light source and will always show up in the signal. The green curve is the exponential decay signal from a short fluorescence lifetime. The red curve is the exponential decay signal from a longer fluorescence lifetime.
<img src="figures/bi-exponential_plot.png", width=300>
The radiative rate constant for each component is related to the natural lifetime, $\tau_r$, by
\begin{equation}\tau_r = \frac{1}{k_r}\end{equation}where the natural lifetime may be thought of as the average amount of time a molecule will remain in its excited state before it decays. By calculating $k_1$ and $k_2$, one will be able to determine the natural lifetime as
\begin{equation}k_r = k_1 + k_2\end{equation}For an given experiment, the parameters $A_1$, $k_1$, $A_2$, and $k_2$ can be obtained by fitting Equation 1 to the experimental data. The fitted values of $k_1$ and $k_2$ can then be used to calculate the natural lifetime.
The file data/flash_photolysis.dat
, stored in a public folder on ScienceData, contains a set of experimental data from a flash photolysis experiment. This file looks like
Time (ps) Signal (counts)
0.0 -0.002740138
0.2 0.001982640
0.4 0.014379181
0.6 0.010439134
0.8 -0.014530330
1.0 0.009097397
1.2 -0.000735803
1.4 0.011072823
1.6 -0.004858392
Your plot should show an initial fast rise in intensity, from zero, followed by a slower decay curve, that is approximately exponential.
, the optimisation algorithm can try any values for the model parameters. Because the intensity model contains terms that look like $\mathrm{e}^{-x}$, if the algorithm tries negative numbers for $k_1$ or $k_2$ this can produce a result too large for the computer to describe, and give an error. In reality, we know that $k_1$ and $k_2$ must be positive. We can include this information in the function minimisation by including an additional setting that places bounds on the possible values of $P$:minimize( … , bounds=((0,1), (0,1), (0,np.inf), (0,np.inf)) )
The bounds
argument takes a list of pairs of numbers, that specify the minimum and maximum allowed values to check. If $P$ is ordered as $(A_1, A_2, k_1, k_2)$, this example specifies that $A_1$ and $A_2$ must be between 0 and 1 (we know that the maximum intensity at $t=0$ is equal to 1), and that $k_1$ and $k_2$ must be between 0 and (positive) infinity.
function works by trying different parameter values until the result of the test function falls below a certain convergence tolerance. The default convergence settings for minimize()
are not small enough to guarantee that you find the optimal set of parameter values. You can specify a lower tolerance setting by using the tol
keyword:minimize( …, tol=1e-20)